Monday, January 24, 2011

Auschwitz Diet

Work Will Set You Free 
    For a long time Fad Diets were all the rage. The Atkins Diet, The South Beach Diet, The Zone Diet, etc... Over the past few years these have cooled off a bit, but people still need to lose weight. What is to be done? Well, I have discovered a new method of dieting used back in the 1930s and 1940s with proven results. These people not only met, but exceeded their weight-loss goals. I introduce to you, the Auschwitz Diet!
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get on the Auschwitz Diet!
    The Auschwitz Diet, despite its name, is not solely for Jews and Pollock; anyone can do it! This diet has only two small steps, that if followed, will guarantee you will meet your weight-loss goals 100%. Why waste time with Fade diets like South Beach and Atkins that develop unhealthy eating habits and force you to simply lose interest? Or risk your health on dangerous diets like the tape worm diet? Instead of throwing away money on diet pills try the proven method developed by German engineers. How is all this possible? Millions of test subjects and thousands of man hours have been put into this simple formula to maximize weight-loss and increase self-confidence.  Just follow these simple procedures:

  1. Stop Eating
  2. Exercise

    Seems pretty simple right? All you need to do is cut your caloric intake to around 500 calories per day and increase your physical activity which can include anything from walking to running to carrying heavy objects. There is a full detailed description in my new book which comes out this spring. Right on time to tone up that beach body!

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