Thursday, January 20, 2011

Conspiracy Catch-22

    For a long time I have felt one of the largest problems in America is the lack of interest people show towards the economic and political situations of our country. There is a certain amount of interest that will make a blip on the radar screen when something large happens, such as the recent stock market drop and recession or the last presidential election. But other than that most people only worry about the next American Idol or what is happening on Jersey Shore. I feel it is important to research as much as you can into whatever is going on around you so you can make an informed decision.
    Because of my indignation towards this wave of apathy prevalent in America I find my self in an awkward position now that I am starting to see the futility of trying to show someone the truth. For the past few years I have watched 9/11 conspiracy theories and come to realize that most of the official story is absolute rubbish. It is not hard to simply look at the facts, which I will not get into here, and find detail after detail that doesn't fit.
    I went to the Iraq war as a Marine and believed I was fighting for freedom. I bought into the Bush policy of terrorism and for whatever reason we needed to attack Iraq because it had something to do with Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan... or something like that. But now that I am more mature and able to think for myself, I see the entire war was not to free the Iraqi people, but further some other agenda be it oil or corporate greed. Since watching the conspiracy videos I have come upon other conspiracies which mostly seem far fetched and stupid, but can't totally be negated. Some of these conspiracies actually hold water and deserve more attention. One of these is the JFK assassination.  I found, while researching this, that a Gallop poll showed that only 13% of Americans believed that Oswald shot JFK with no other conspirators (

    Looking into the believers of the 9/11 conspiracy I found a plethora of data showing that between 30-40% of people believe there was government assistance with the attacks of 9/11.
I found this interesting since I had always thought of this as a fringe movement, but 1 in 3 people is far beyond a fringe. So clearly the message is out; there is more to 9/11 than we are being told. But, what does it matter? If almost 90% of Americans believe JFK was not killed solely by Oswald, yet nothing ever came other than the official story. Now 30% of Americans think there is more to 9/11, but what has come of that? Nothing.  I see now that no matter how many people believe there is more to 9/11, nothing will change. Not unless it were to interrupt the American Idol winner.
    It is only logical to be lethargic on the issue of 9/11 having government involvement. We know the government has done it before, ie The Golf of Tonkin incident which sent 58,000 American soldiers to their deaths to prevent communism in the vast metropolis and critical country of Vietnam, lest we be attacked by dominoes. Now again we are told to fight a war for a cause (terrorism) as vague and meaningless as communism in the Vietnam jungle.
    My new found apathy toward educating people on this problem is the very thing that I hate so much about America, but I find my self in a Catch-22 situation. If I do nothing, I hate myself for no longer caring. But if I tell them, it doesn't matter because just as the JFK assassination, 90% of Americans can believe there is more to 9/11, but nothing will be done.

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